søndag den 23. november 2014

Thoughts on living in Cambridge

King's College Chapel 

I have been living in Cambridge for 2 months now! wow time sure flies. (Although I don't really live in Cambridge but in a small village 5 miles outside of Cambridge.) and I love it here!

Driving: It took some time to get used to driving in the left side instead of the right but now it's all good. and well to be honest I've now driven a lot more in the left side than the right so I think it will be a lot harder to go back to driving in the right when I go back home...

The Family: The family I work for/live with(I'm here as an aupair) is so great! They have two children age 6(boy) and 8(girl) and we get along so well. I love spending time with them and they always make me smile. They love reading, playing music, dancing, being creative and so do I. We are a good fit and they have been so welcoming and I truly feel as a part of their family.

Future Archaeologist: I have been incredibly lucky to get volunteer work at the Cambridge Archaeological Unit in their Finds Office where I will get to clean all the things they find. I haven't started yet but will this coming week. It's safe to say that I'm VERY EXCITED!

Cambridge: Is so beautiful! It has a ton of amazing old buildings and lots of awesome museums. The city is all about learning = I feel right at home.

The people: People here are very polite and their accent just makes everything they say sound smart. I was sort of hoping I'd manage to get a bit of an English accent but I'm not so sure that will happen. One of the children has told me that I haven't learned English, I've learned American! When I try to talk with an English accent it just sounds like I'm trying too hard, ha! We'll see I am after all going to be here for another 5 months.
I've met so many amazing people here and I feel very blessed. I have also already had to say goodbye to some of the people I've met here which was surprisingly hard considering the short time I've been here(I'm talking about you Sister Su - I miss you!).

Church: (That would be The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). Church is great! From the first Sunday I went there I felt so welcome and just that feeling of being somewhere you belong. It's also the place where I've met most of the people I know here. With weekly things such as Institute and FHE(family home evening) it forces me to get out of the house and gives me an opportunity to talk to people my age and not just a 6-year old and a 8-year old.

The food: Is mostly like in Denmark but I have discovered some new things such as Lemon Curd, which is delicious, and baked beans in tomato sauce.... I have also found out that they don't have fresh yeast here so I've now learned to bake with the dry kind.

Am I a grown up? I feel like one. At least most days. I think it has something to do with all the responsibilities I now have for someone else. Although, the 6-year old has told me that I'm not a grown up until I'm 22. so hey I guess I still have some time.

To sum up: I LOVE IT! I've had many wonderful experiences here so far and have grown so much(you know not in height but as a person...). And I already know that it will be incredibly hard to leave - so hey let's not think about that for another 5 months.

søndag den 7. september 2014

Sorted Books / The Art Assignment

The Art Assignment is a show on youtube which meets with all sorts of different artists. These artists have all created some sort of assignment. For this art assignment the artist is Nina Katchadourian and the assignemnt is called sorted books. You can watch the video here(click here) if you want to but here are the steps to complete this assignment:
1. Choose a person you know or would like to get to know better
2. Take a look at/through their library
3. Make three stacks of books to develop a portrait of this person
I chose to get to know my awesome mom a bit better by creating a portrait of her from the books in her library. Now these are of course in Danish but I will do my very best at translating them for you.

Happiness is a choice
Do it now!
Create your future
Healthy and beautiful
A great and marvelous work

The shadows of the night
The shadows' ocean
But greatest of all
Hope for the future

If you could see me now
The springflower
Under a shining sun
With the heart in the right place
To the bitter end

I personally think that The Art Assignment is great! It helps me expand my idea of what art is, it teaches me about new artists and I get to be involved and actually make something myself.

torsdag den 17. juli 2014


The other day I decided, after a sleepless night, to get up and see the sun rise. I jumped into my onesie(don't judge it's really comfy), put on my coat, grabbed my camera and ventured out into the misty morning.
 I managed to get a couple of pictures, but to be honest they really don't do it justice.
My best advice would be to go see it for yourself! :-) 

(If you click the pictures you can see them in full size)

lørdag den 21. juni 2014

My jelly babies

 Wednesday, while I was in the middle of my 24 hour biology exam, these came for me. The timing couldn't have been more perfect. They are from Boohoo.com and I love them! It was hard to only get two pairs because they come in a wide variety of delicious colours. I think I might have to get another pair or you know maybe one of each colour. You  can  find them here and here if you want to check them out. I admit they might not be suitable for hiking and such but for summer days going to the beach I think they will be perfect.

fredag den 20. juni 2014

Currently reading

Over the course of the last year or so I have started reading a lot of books. Most of them I haven't finished yet. It has now gotten to the point where I have promised myself not to start reading any new books before I have finished the ones I have started. The list is long....
Here we go - in no particular order:

1) Morderisk bedrag(Deception Point) - Dan Brown
2) Vejen til Jerusalem(The Road to Jerusalem) - Jan Guillou
3) Harry Potter og Dødsregalierne(Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows) - J.K. Rowling
4) The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald
5) The Diary of a Nobody - George & Weedon Grossmith
6) Pride and Prejudice(I'm always reading this book haha) - Jane Austen
7) Persuasion - Jane Austen
8) The Cuckoo's Calling - Robert Galbraith
9) The Lady of the Rivers - Philippa Gregory
10) Jane Eyre - Charlotte Brönte
11) The Casual Vacancy - J.K. Rowling
12) The Jane Austen Pocket Bible - Holly Ivins
13) Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - J.K. Rowling

My goal is to finish reading all of them before September because in September I'm moving to England(wuhuuu).

tirsdag den 17. juni 2014

I have twenty years

In Spanish you don't say 'I am twenty years old', instead you say 'I have twenty years'. 

Today I have twenty years.
Twenty years of good memories. 
Twente years of sorrows.
Twenty years of my heart beating.
Twenty years of breathing.
Twenty years of being.
Today I have twenty years of life. 

For years to come I hope they too will be filled with a loving family and great friends. 

lørdag den 14. juni 2014

Let the luck last

(Picture found on Pinterest)
Lately things have been working out the way I want them to.
My exam, which I was so nervous about, went extremely well.
I just got offered a fantastic job(more about this later).

In 11 days I will have had my last exam.
Summer will soon be mine to enjoy.
My birthday is on Tuesday.
The sun is shining.
I feel lucky. 

søndag den 8. juni 2014

Hello summer

Summer you are here.

When I can enjoy you it will be great.
Hold on just 17 days(and 3 exams) and I will be yours.

søndag den 20. april 2014


Felt a bit creative today. Therefore I decided to transform some things I just had lying around into something I can actually use.
 Before: Do you want to have a child with me (noooo)
After: Do you want to have flower power with me (yesss)
Before: Engineers will save the world(OK?)
After:  Florals will save the world(true true)
Before: boring, brown bag.
 After: full of life, fun, personal gift bag

onsdag den 16. april 2014


No words needed - this is perfection!

onsdag den 2. april 2014

FOOD for your EARS / Land of REMIX

I know I might be late at it but I have finally discovered soundcloud and it is great! I appreciate a good remix and soundcloud is filled with them. You just have to find one song you like and then it suggests other songs or remixes to you. Right now I'm listening to Empire of the Sun and I like both their originals of the songs and the countless number of remixes which you can find.

tirsdag den 1. april 2014

Thrift store: yes please!

I loooooove thrift shopping. It is just so satisfactory to find clothes for almost no money.
Find # 1: a lilac scarf perfect for alternative hairdos in the spring
Find #2: A cardigan for springtime
Find #3: A deep blue shirt in the softest fabric - this will be worn a lot!
Find #4: An interestingly printed shirt(it has fish and flowers on it!)

mandag den 31. marts 2014

It's an outfit

A year ago this t-shirt was bought in Barcelona. This is the first time I have ever worn it.I rediscovered it during a clean up in my closet - soooooo I guess I should clean my closet more often?

A more realistic version of HAPPY

I am sure you have heard Pharell's song happy - who hasn't? 
Yesterday I came across this version of happy and I fell in love with it right away. 
It is malancholy and beautiful and I dig it!

søndag den 30. marts 2014


This sweet puppy has just joined our family.
I have never been a dog person - but I already love her!

lørdag den 29. marts 2014

On my bookshelf

I love to read.
Therefore I thought I might show you my bookshelf. 
Since my year as an exchange student in Idaho I have really enjoyed reading books in English.
My book collection is therefore a good mix between Danish and English.
 This Jane Austen Pocket Bible is one I found resently when I went to London.
I love everything Austen and it has been a good way to get to know a bit more about her and her novels.
 This version of The Great Gatsby was also one I found in London.
I haven't read it yet - but I'm sure it will be great!
 Pride and Prejudice is my go to book.
If I'm feeling down this is the book I will be reading.
This book is one I found at a thrift shop.
I bought it mostly because of its looks...
Mette-Marit is a series of books.
My mom also read them when she was younger.
 The Art of War by Sun Tzu was a very interesting read.
 Of course Harry Potter is on my bookshelf.
First in Danish. 
Then English.
And then Spanish. 
I just can't get enough. 

fredag den 28. marts 2014

tirsdag den 25. marts 2014

How to make big life decisions

Picture found on pinterest 
If you came here hoping I would have the answer to this I'm sorry to say: I don't. However I'm currently in a situation where I have to make a big decision and it is honestly not something I'm very good at. Most times I just ignore the fact that I have to make a choice. I'm very skilled at letting other people decide for me. Most times it is because I will be happy no matter what is decided.
Right now I have to decide between 

1) start studying right away or 
2) move to Münich for a year to be an au pair.
I have already done the whole pros and cons thing but unfurtunaely I don't feel any closer to choosing between the two.
My biggest fear is that I will regret my choice.

tirsdag den 4. marts 2014

Do i dare?

Lately(read: since I went to London) I have been hooked on the idea of dying my hair. Not just any color  no it has to be lilac, pink or blue. I really want it to be all delicious and pastel. Now where do you go for inspiration for these sort of things you might ask. Pinterest of course, where else. Here is a peek at what I am inspired by for the upcoming changes of my hair: